Reasons why I haven't been online much as I use to is because I have been really busy with my internship and I am really enjoying it! It is putting things in a new prespective and focus. I worked at my first professional event being the postgradireland fair in the RDS Dublin a fair for postgrad students earlier in the week. I only have been working in my internship for a month and I am learning so much that I can apply to the Anime and cultural events I am involved with! Here are photos of the fair.

It was interesting to observe the event and take in things we can apply to other events. I found the seminar layout was quite unsual as I am use to typical Anime convention style seminars in a closed of room kinda away from the rest of the convention and it is the same with Experience Japan. A the fair they had open seminars (see above) so people awalking around the exhibition can peek in and see what is going on and if interested go in, it is also makes them very inviting. I was also thinking would it not be too noisy and you get distracted with the crowd but I sat in a seminar and the mics were loud enough you were't distracted. Could you imagine an open seminar in a crowded trading hall at a convention?

I suppose so many years working voluntary with Anime conventions, running cosplay events and being involved with the Experience Japan Festival pays off as now I am working in events professionally. I also set up a Cosplay and modelling facebook page which in the future I plan to upload some images as well as cosplay projects and exhibitions. I want to show the skills I learned with events and not just show I am girl in costume. I always think it is important to show off your skills online. :)
Of course more cosplay projects to come but these skills all come in handy together. I am very satisfied with the feedback I recieved in relation to my Cosplay Educational blog as I thought not many people read it so I was taken by suprise. I want to give people good and postive advice from my own experience so I will be back updating it. Hope to inspire and motivate as the people I came across online did to me years ago.