I recently watched a documentary on beauty pageants
in Venezuela. It portrayed the poverty, famine, people and families queuing in
line for hours to get food and riots, crime on the streets yet girls who come
from extremely poor backgrounds can afford to get cosmetic surgery not for them
but to compete in the beauty pageant. The documentary expressed that in Venezuela
it is every young girl’s dream to compete in the national beauty contest and
become “Miss Venezuela”.

The interviewer Billie from the UK interviewed stunning and
beautiful girls from all over the country, from different backgrounds, rich and
poor, uneducated and educated asking them if they have scarified anything to
take part in this contest. One girl said she gave up university for the contest.
The women who took part were Barbies, looked like the ideal what men dreamed
women should look like. Perfect in every way. Gomez the man (or god) behind the
beauty contest was extremely well respected in the country by families, police
ect. One point in the documentary Billie is interviewing the police and they
said Gomez has power over people, once his beauty competition are on there are
no crime on the streets as everyone is watching the contest on TV. This straight
away reminded me of the “Idol/Otaku culture” in Japan. Late night anime cosplay
bars full of men cheering their favourite girl on, the girl is stunning ideal
to the otaku male. I also recall the episode of “Wake Up Girls” of Miyu singing
in the cosplay bar and the men are cheering for her to keep going and go

The documentary focused on one girl who came from a poor
background and when she was asked what was her motivation in entering the
contest she replied saying, her brother was killed in the streets not too long
ago and the family is living in poor living conditions. If she wins the contest
her career would be set for life and she will be able to finance her family a better
home. This girl was so determined to win the contest she got a breast and nose
job, saving for many years. She wore tape to her tongue daily to keep her weight
down so she would only eat liquid foods.
Gomez an interesting character in his 60s would comment on the girls
partaking in the contest on what they should “fix” about themselves eg nose
jobs, breasts should be bigger, more fat needs to be lost. He wouldn't allow
Billie to interview him until she was dolled up with hair curled and makeup on
which I found this very interesting. He had no time for plain girls and most be
flattered. Gomez mentions to Billie the reasons why he decided to to run these
beauty pageants was because when he was growing up women were ugly to his eyes
and he was determined to make them beautiful. An ugly woman infuriates him, women
should not be “ugly”. This fascinates me
as I can not help think of cosplay, a world men spend time browsing and looking
at beautiful women dressed or being their favourite 2d character. Nothing
annoys them more to see an “unattractive” girl cosplaying as their ideal 2d
I don't 100% agree with this documentary as women were
portrayed as a commodity (been sent to fix themselves and keep fixing to look
perfect). What annoyed me was when Billie was interviewing one of the coaches
for the speaking round, he said the women should never voice their opinion and
must always remain neutral. They have to play “dumb”, people don't want an
intelligent, beautiful and successful woman. I do believe intelligence plays a big
role in a woman’s beauty. Beautiful and smart women are what Anime thought me
with role model characters such as; Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon a genius
and spends a lot of her time studying and reading, researching. When I was a
teenager watching Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury was and still is my favourite of
the Sailor Scouts. Her looks beautiful and tall yet she was smart and did well
in school. She was one of my motivators to do well in school. Now I want to
cosplay as her.x

Rei Ayanami another favourite character of mine, an Evangelion
pilot, kind and really smart and does her job well. These are the girls I want
to become. I do dream of my work being internationally recognised and I want my
intelligence to play a big role in my presence. I want people to see more to me
then my cosplays, not just the girl standing in the photo in costume.

The determination, passion and strive these girls had in
setting a clear vision and goal in winning this nationwide beauty pageant, the
whole of Venezuela would be watching to see who will become “Miss Venezuela” was enticing. The
contest with the gigantic stage, thousands of people watching the performance,
the beautiful women parading the stage in their diamond dresses, sparkled up to
the 90s, yet the country is in famine, crime and poverty, people still find
hope and fantasy in such a thing. We may look at this and question what is the
point when money for the country can be better spent on saving starving people
yet this contest gives the girls’ hope, gives normal people escapism and
fantasy and plays a major role of the culture and economy. These girls were
transformed. As someone who cosplays and watches my health quite seriously I found
this documentary fascinating from a cosplay perspective. I could not help
thinking that for me to look like the ideal 2d beauty I need to lose weight and
I have joined the gym to get the perfect body for Rei Ayanami’s plugsuit.
believe there are many females and males who have gone to extremes lengths to
look perfect in their cosplays for the excited viewer. I asked myself “What if
there was a Gomez in the “Cosplay” world correcting girls and guys what way
they should look like and “fix” to become the ideal 2d dream? Would millions of
cosplayers hope and wish their photo would catch the attention of this person
who will make allow them to break into a “career”? Does Cosplay transforms
young hopeless girls to queens becoming extremely popular and gives them hope,
fantasy and dreams? I do hope my cosplays give people fantasy and escapism my
main objective in being a cosplayer. Is this real?

Anyway after watching this documentary I just felt strong
about it and wanted to share my thoughts.