I started cosplaying in 2006 and recently over the Summer I have a major passion for this hobbie. Cosplay is always on my mind.
I feel cosplay.com has gotten a lot better since I started using it many years ago. When I first set up my profile which was three years ago, the cosplay photos people uploaded were mainly just people standing normal, showing off their costume or just photos at a con. I stopped using cosplay.com because I just found it boring. Then last year I joined cosplayers cure, the Japanese equivalent to cosplay.com and really liked it, as cosplayers there really got into character with their looks and put lots of thought into the setting of the photos. The cosplayers on cure had really good make up styles, wigs and look very like the character there were cosplaying as. Mind you it is hit or miss. ;-p
I then came back to cosplay.com and was really impressed with the layout of the site and the photos people uploaded. It is wonderful that cosplay.com now has a photoshoot section with excellent settings and the cosplayers look absolutely stunning and convincing. It is like people are thinking 'cosplay is not just about wearing the costume, it is an art form, a craft and about the acting.' It is like cosplay.com is becoming more of artistic site similar to deviant art and I think that is fantastic. Kudos to all those wonderful and thoughtful cosplayers for uploading your wonderful photos and giving me more inspiration. I hope to become really good at what I do and have thanked cosplayers on ideas on wigs, make up and settings.
I can now combine two of my hobbies which I really like being cosplay and photography. Don't get me wrong, cosplay is not all about looking amazing, there is the really fun element to it too and I will never forget that.