1. Focus on top priorities like get a good job with my degree.
2. Do the sewing course in Grafton Academy and get good at making costumes.
3. Become a better cosplayer and model and follow my dream, become more confident.
4. Do more photoshoots (come up with really good and different ideas) and network.
5. Try and go to London Expo.
6. and the main thing, focus on one thing at a time and be a better person and be charitable (which I am am). ;p
7. Live the moment.
8. Oh I forgot, watch anime.
Anyway I spoiled myself going into town trying to get the last of the sales. I bought this lovely dress from Pennys and it was only 11E. I love it as it is very dolly looking on me and is really me being cute.
I got these socks in New Look. There were 7E which is expensive for socks but there were bunched up and looked really like Japanese schoolgirl socks so that was why I bought them, to wear with my Japanese looking school uniforms.
I love these shoes and they only cost 7E from New Look, there were on sale. So with the dress, the socks and these shoes I have an outfit. I am tempted when the weather gets warmer is do a small photoshoot in this outfit, looking like a doll along the old streets of Dublin. It is a plan anyway.
I am also loving these red shoes I got in Dunnes for 15E. They are kinda Mary Jane looking and would be great for some of my Asuka cosplays especially the cosplay with the yellow dress. When I first saw these shoes I thought of Asuka Langley.
Finally I got these false lashes in New Look for a cosplay I am going to do in the future. The cosplay is going to be of Ruri from Martian Sucessor Nadesico.

I watched abit of Naedsco ages ago and Ruri's looks always attracted me with her big eyes and her eye lashes. I have had plans to do this cosplay only for the make up challenge and to get the look of her face and have always been on the look out for false lashes that resemble hers. I know height would be an issue as in the series she is tiny so I would only cosplay as her for a photoshoot and not to a con unless I done the adult version. I was delighted when I found those lashes. I haven't tried them on yet so hope they look well. ;p
Listening to:
Love this song and I would like to add Siouxsie looks great for singer going since the 1970s. I really love her voice in this version. It is quite deep and sexy.
WOW!!!!!! Cool shoes!!!!! :)