Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved See my heart I decorate it like a grave You don't understand who they Thought I was supposed to be Look at me now a man Who wont let himself be
I have been guilty Of kicking myself in the teeth I will speak no more Of my feelings beneath
Down in a hole, feelin so small Down in a hole, losin my soul Id like to fly but my Wings have been so denied
Down in a hole, feelin so small Down in a hole, losin my soul Down in a hole, feelin so small Down in a hole, outta control Id like to fly but my Wings have been so denied
I am going to cosplay as Rin from Fate Stay Night. I haven't seen the series but I was always drawn to this outfit as it is somewhat cute, goth. I am going to watch a few episodes to get her character right. I already have the skirt, socks and shoes and I bought the red top in a boutique in Dublin today. :)
So all I need to do is curl my hair, get the bows and alter the top and work on the make up.
I absolutely love this photo by Man Ray, one of the photographers I am a fan of. The big sad weeping eyes looking up to heaven, the beautiful sad expression and the pearl drops make this photo very appealing. It is hard to believe it is not a real girl, it is actually a mannequin. I only found out about that tonight. so creative.
The face in Man Ray's famous photograph "Glass Tears" (1933) belongs not to a real woman but to a fashion mannequin who cries tears of glistening, round glass beads. Man Ray made this photograph in Paris around the time of his breakup with his lover Lee Miller and the woman's false tears may relate to that event in his life. This photograph is a part of the collection of Randi and Bob Fisher and currently on display at the Pier 24 Photography Gallery in San Francisco, California.
Am I Am I still tough enough? Feels like I'm wearing down (down down down down) Is my viciousness losing ground (ground ground ground ground) Am I taking too much? Did I cross the line? (line line) I need my role in this Very clearly defined
I need your discipline I need your help I need your discipline You know once I start I cannot help myself
Now it's starting up Feels like I'm losing touch Nothing matters to me Nothing matters as much I see you left a mark Up and down the skin (skin skin) I don't know where I end Or where you begin
I need your discipline I need your help I need your discipline You know once I start I cannot help myself
And you know Once I start I cannot stop myself And you know Once I start I cannot stop myself
I couldn't believe it today when a friend showed me coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Natural disaster are horrible and I recall the Haiti earthquake and the Thai tsunami, how horrible there were. At least Japan is a developed and has protection against these disasters but still all in all I prey. I prey for people I know over there that they are ok.. People I talk to every now and then on cosplay sites I hope they are ok..
While coming across other anime, Japanese related forums and people talking about it had me thinking.. I never been to Japan but always wanted to go there but I feel deep down over this accident and feel a deep connection. Japanese culture was always a big influence to me growing up and even now. I was always attracted to Asian culture and became attracted to Japanese culture as I would watch alot of it on TV and then came across anime and manga. When watching anime cartoons on Sci-Fi (the golden days for me) I became more attracted to Japanese culture and it made me happy the whole Japanese school girl look, cute clothes, moe, kimonos, tea ceremonies, art, their fantasies, history..
I like it all and it felt a place for me. My escapism I suppose. My direction and happiness is all Japan, anime, manga related being cosplay. If it wasn't for Japan, I would have never got into anime, if it wasn't for anime I would have never got into cosplay and if it never was for cosplay I wouldn't be this happy and doing what I am doing now. I suppose it can be quite normal for someone to have a belonging to another country like my sister loves France and you would call her Frenchie. I have said to people call me Japany as you can see I am very Japanese influenced in my clothing and such yet maintain my Irishness. :p
So I thought I am the only one who feels this way? I guess not.. and it is good to know.
I read a few cosplay articles awhile ago, one was from Kotaku and was about a well known cosplayer Alodia. I first came across Alodia when I discovered the site and ever since then there has been numerous articles about her and her successes as a cosplayer. Fair play to her for getting herself out there especially in a niche market and in a niche culture. I think this blog post will explain abit more about my interest as a cosplayer for the ones who read my blog and don't really understand it.
In this article from Kotaku, Alodia explains that cosplay,
"as a form of art," she tells Kotaku. "It's not just dressing-up." For the 22-year-old, cosplay incorporates craft, sewing, make-up, wig and hair styling, photography, acting and more. "And most of all, cosplay crosses geographical barriers,"
When I started of as a cosplayer back in 2006 it was like fancy dress at a con to me, I use to only cosplay at cons. Over time I would spend hours browsing cosplay sites and seeing amazing cosplayers like models posing in artistic photos. Cosplay can be pretty much like modelling but it is in costume and you are playing a person. Also with cosplay depending on your situation and environment you have no choice but to make your costume and become good at make up so over time you become very talented in costume making and in make up art. I defiantly agree with Alodia that cosplay is a full time job and a one man band.
Even because of her cosplays and being in popular media there has been talks of her being offered a role for a Hollywood movie being World Of Warcraft. This was because she cosplayed as one of the characters from it and really resembled the character and maybe because of her popularity. I find that amazing, a cosplayer being asked to be in a movie.
Here is an amusing video of Alodia talking about cosplay on a TV show.
I really believe if you want to get good at something you need to look up to people who became successful so they will motivate you and you know you can get there yourself if you tried, instead of mumbling in disgusting jealousy.
Another amazing article I read about cosplay motivation and how it betters people was about a girl called Michelle Pearl who promised her mother after she died of cancer that she will loose weight and better herself. She bettered herself through cosplay. It was because of her love for the video game character Samus Aran she motivated herself to loose weight and work on the cosplay to the best it can be.
Sometimes even a fictional character, is enough to give you a powerful dose of inner strength. Michelle Pearl